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IdentityWallet class

Wallet instance to manage the digital identity based on iden3 protocol allows to: create identity/profile, sign payloads (bigint / bytes), generate keys, generate Merkle tree proofs of inclusion / non-inclusion to Merkle trees, issue credentials with a BJJSignature and Iden3SparseMerkleTree Proofs, revoke credentials, add credentials to Merkle trees, push states to reverse hash service

IdentityWallet - class

implements IIdentityWallet interface


export declare class IdentityWallet implements IIdentityWallet 

Implements: IIdentityWallet


(constructor)(_kms, _storage, _credentialWallet)Constructs a new instance of the IdentityWallet class


addCredentialsToMerkleTree(credentials, issuerDID)Adds verifiable credentials to issuer Claims Merkle tree
createIdentity(opts)Create Identity creates Auth BJJ credential, Merkle trees for claims, revocations and root of roots, adds auth BJJ credential to claims tree and generates mtp of inclusion based on the resulting state it provides an identifier in DID form.
createProfile(did, nonce, verifier)Creates profile based on genesis identifier
findOwnedCredentialsByDID(did, query)
generateCredentialMtp(did, credential, treeState)
generateIden3SparseMerkleTreeProof(issuerDID, credentials, txId, blockNumber, blockTimestamp)Generate Iden3SparseMerkleTree proof of inclusion to issuer state of specific credentials
generateKey(keyType)Generates a new key
generateNonRevocationMtp(did, credential, treeState)Generates proof of credential revocation nonce inclusion / non-inclusion to the given revocation tree and its root or to the current root of the Revocation tree in the given Merkle tree storage.
getDIDTreeModel(did)Gets a tree model for given did that includes claims tree, revocation tree, the root of roots tree and calculated state hash
getGenesisDIDMetadata(did)gets profile nonce by it's id. if profile is genesis identifier - 0 is returned
getProfilesByDID(did)gets profile identity by genesis identifiers
issueCredential(issuerDID, req, opts)Issues new credential from issuer according to the claim request
publishStateToRHS(issuerDID, rhsURL, revokedNonces)
revokeCredential(issuerDID, credential)
sign(message, credential)Signs a payload of arbitrary size with an Auth BJJ Credential that identifies a key for signing.
signChallenge(challenge, credential)Signs a big integer with an Auth BJJ Credential that identifies a key for signing.