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CircuitError enum

List of errors of circuit inputs processing



export declare enum CircuitError 

Enumeration Members

EmptyAuthClaimNonRevProof"empty auth claim non-revocation mtp proof"
EmptyAuthClaimProof"empty auth claim mtp proof"
EmptyAuthClaimProofInTheNewState"empty auth claim mtp proof in the new state"
EmptyChallenge"empty challenge"
EmptyChallengeSignature"empty challenge signature"
EmptyClaimNonRevProof"empty claim non-revocation mtp proof"
EmptyClaimProof"empty claim mtp proof"
EmptyClaimSignature"empty claim signature"
EmptyGISTProof"empty GIST merkle tree proof"
EmptyId"empty Id"
EmptyIssuerAuthClaimNonRevProof"empty issuer auth claim non-revocation mtp proof"
EmptyIssuerAuthClaimProof"empty issuer auth claim mtp proof"
EmptyJsonLDQueryPath"empty JSON-LD query path"
EmptyJsonLDQueryProof"empty JSON-LD query mtp proof"
EmptyJsonLDQueryValue"empty JSON-LD query value"
EmptyJsonLDQueryValues"empty JSON-LD query values"
EmptyQueryValue"empty query value"
EmptyRequestID"empty request ID"