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ICredentialWallet interface

Interface to work with credential wallets



export interface ICredentialWallet 


createCredential(issuer, request, schema)Creates a W3C verifiable Credential object
filterByCredentialSubject(credentials, subject)Filters given credentials with given credential subject
findByContextType(context, type)Finds credentials by JSON-LD schema and type
findById(id)Finds the credential by its id
findByQuery(query)Find credential using iden3 query language
findNonRevokedCredential(creds)Finds non-revoked credential from a given list by resolving their credential status
getAuthBJJCredential(did)Finds Auth BJJ credential for given user
getRevocationStatus(credStatus, credentialStatusResolveOptions)Fetches Revocation status depended on type
getRevocationStatusFromCredential(cred)Fetches or Builds a revocation status for a given credential Supported types for credentialStatus field: SparseMerkleTreeProof, Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof
list()List of W3C Credential
remove(id)removes W3C credentials from data storage
save(credential)saves W3C credential (upsert)
saveAll(credentials)saves the batch of W3C credentials (upsert)