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Create identity

Identity creation contains of two main parts: creation of identifier and Auth BJJ Credential

Create your first identity

async function identityCreation(){

console.log("=============== key creation ===============")

const dataStorage = initDataStorage();
const credentialWallet = await initCredentialWallet(dataStorage);
const identityWallet = await initIdentityWallet(

const { did, credential } = await await wallet.createIdentity({
method: DidMethod.Iden3,
blockchain: Blockchain.Polygon,
networkId: NetworkId.Main,
seed: seedPhraseIssuer,
revocationOpts: {
type: CredentialStatusType.Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof,
id: ""

console.log("=============== did ===============")
console.log("=============== Auth BJJ credential ===============")

💡 identityWallet is an entry point to work with your identities. Create ones, generate profiles, issue credential and many more!!!

let's see the details

data source

function initDataStorage(): IDataStorage {

let conf :EthConnectionConfig= defaultEthConnectionConfig;
conf.contractAddress = "< contract address >"
conf.url = "< rpc url > "

var dataStorage = {
credential: new CredentialStorage(new InMemoryDataSource<W3CCredential>()),
identity: new IdentityStorage(
new InMemoryDataSource<Identity>(),
new InMemoryDataSource<Profile>()
mt: new InMemoryMerkleTreeStorage(40),

states: new EthStateStorage(defaultEthConnectionConfig),
return dataStorage;

💡 dataStorage is storage interface that unite all main storages for the wallets. Each storage uses data source, which now can be a browser local storage or in memory for tests. Of cource you can implement your own data sources by implementing IDataSource<Type> interface

credential wallet

export async function initCredentialWallet(
dataStorage: IDataStorage
): Promise<CredentialWallet> {
const resolvers = new CredentialStatusResolverRegistry();
new IssuerResolver()
new RHSResolver(dataStorage.states)
new OnChainResolver([defaultEthConnectionConfig])
new AgentResolver()

return new CredentialWallet(dataStorage, resolvers);

💡 simple as that!

identity wallet

async function initIdentityWallet(
dataStorage: IDataStorage,
credentialWallet: ICredentialWallet
): Promise<IIdentityWallet> {
const memoryKeyStore = new InMemoryPrivateKeyStore();
const bjjProvider = new BjjProvider(KmsKeyType.BabyJubJub, memoryKeyStore);
const kms = new KMS();
kms.registerKeyProvider(KmsKeyType.BabyJubJub, bjjProvider);

return new IdentityWallet(kms, dataStorage, credentialWallet);

💡 identityWallet requires kms (key management system) 🔑 which is initialized with different key providers. It's required to have a BJJ key provider implementation to use work with Polygon identity.

⚠️ do not use unprotected key stores in production!